LABitat Concert

LABitat Concert 
Finissage Residency Period 
Alan Ahued Naime

Date: Thursday 23 May
Location: NP3 | MOBi, Suikerlaan 41, Groningen

Entrance: Free


19:00 hrs. Doors open

19:30 hrs. Electroacoustic concert
Music for quadraphonic fixed media         

20:30 hrs. Performance*
in collaboration with Hamsterwoede and Anahita Malakooti

21:30 hrs. Activation of soundinstallations
Los voladores and Emptycontainer

For the past 6 months, Alan Ahued Naime has been working in NP3 | MOBi developing the next step in his sound art research. Experimenting and delving into methods of composing music that develops in space rather than time. Alan discovered a diversity of new ideas and possibilities which he transformed into new installations, sculptures, and performances. During his residency Alan invited the audience to reflect on his research process, individually and in groups.

*For the Concert, Alan collaborated with Hamsterwoede and Anahita Malakooti, creating a performance for multiple instruments and multichannel system. 

About the residency period:
During his residency period at NP3 | MOBi, Alan has been experimenting with setups that play with psychoacoustics and different phenomena in sonic perception. His approach involves bringing music into physical spaces, merging sound with the environment. However, he focuses on the potential to create immersive experiences by filling spaces with carefully 

With a background in music composition and multimedia art, Alan’s work stands in the space where sound/music and other disciplines meet. His practice as a sound artist is a constant search for ways of expanding both perception and expressive possibilities of music. In his ongoing project, ‘The Plasticity of Sound,’ Alan is exploring new paths in music composition. He is experimenting with the idea of creating music based on spatial parameters, aiming to expand the way we perceive sound. With his creative research he tries to emancipate music from the element of duration, breaking the boundaries of a time-based medium to generate an experience closer to plastic mediums.