4-day event: September 24 until 27, 2014
exhibition: September 24 until December 21, 2014
lectures: November 21 & 22: Superuse Studios and De Zwammerij
+ December 21: Dré Wapenaar
artists / participants: Superuse Studios, De Zwammerij and Dré Wapenaar
location: M0Bi + Ebbingekwartier
info + follow: p0rtaal.blogspot.nl + facebook.com/p0rtaal + twitter.com/p0rtaal
p0rtaal offers engaged, innovative initiatives, inventions and concepts, a clear and examinating vision on sustainability, the re-use of material and (cultural) entrepreneurship. p0rtaal is about the underlying question: How do you contribute to make the life in today’s society more sustainable, zoomed in on the possibilities of waste treatment and re-use, but also alternative forms of energy, collaboration and entrepreneurship. This all in the context of the blue economy.
With p0rtaal the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) and Belastingdienst offer the city Groningen an artwork. The reason is the official completion of the new, sustainable office of the two organizations at Kempkensberg in Groningen, popularly named as the ‘cruise ship’. Ruud Akse, the Groningen based artist ax710 and artistic director of NP3, developed the master plan and concept p0rtaal. The engagevent p0rtaal offers with a 4-day event and an exhibition a varied, musically and innovative program. In the development of p0rtaal, ax710 collaborated with the employees of DUO and the Belastingdienst. They supported the event in many ways as a technician, musician and host or hostess.
p0rtaal – from treetent to oyster mushroom
With p0rtaal ax710 developed a project in which art makes the next step in crossover collaborations, not only bundles knowledge but really shares it publicly. A sustainable concept with a view to the core idea of the blue economy. Inspired by natural ecosystems getting to a sustainable way of thinking, producing and consuming, and to drive on the search for sustainable long term solutions.