Re:-X-to-the-Z-to-the-ibit [This is the situation and the situation is many things}
SEQ. 3.0}}} Collection S.M.A.K.
Exhibition: November 31, 2012 until January 26, 2013
Location: NP3.nu (from 2014: bur0 Gr0ningen)
Artists: Mark Manders, Henrietta Lehtonen, Fabrice Hybert and Uri Tzaig
With this selection of artworks, developed in 1994 during the exhibition ‘This is the show and the show is many things’, NP3 offers a unique glimpse into the authentic past. This is the first time these works, since 1994 have been reunited in an exhibition. Including the impressive ‘Moment Machine’ by Mark Manders or the beautiful, hand painted 121 – piece set from the installation ‘Cafeteria’ Henrietta Lehtonen.
Other posts about this long-term project: 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2